Welcome to Easts Bays

Nurturing a passion in Rugby Union for U6s to U9s throughout Sydney's Eastern Suburbs.

Our Primary Sponsors

Play rugby with Easts Bays!
Registrations opening in January

Registrations to play for the Mighty Bays open each year at the beginning of January (and fill up quickly).  Easts Bays JRUFC is a super fun community based club that is committed to nurturing a fundamental appreciation and enduring passion for the game of Rugby Union amongst players in the U6 to U9 age groups.
Join us and get involved.

how to register

Want to Coach, Manage,
Referee or Volunteer?

We welcome and encourage individuals to actively engage in our community. Having our community members involved with the running and management of our club builds an even closer team spirit. Coaching, refereeing, managing a team or volunteering in other ways helps the club run smoothly, and is greatly appreciated.

get involved